Free Menopause and Cancer Workshop

There is plenty of information about the menopause but hardly any if you have also been affected by cancer. Many cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery and hormone treatments can bring on an early menopause with symptoms that can be more severe than for those that go through perimenopause naturally.

Book your free slot now

Please note you will still require a PAUSE Live event admission ticket.

Taking place in the Empire Suite

Managing menopause after cancer needs a multi-facetted approach, creating an individual plan for each woman. 

We are passionate to include women with a cancer diagnosis into the menopause conversation, talk about the unique challenges they face and find solutions to their symptoms, which is why PAUSE Live has set up an intimate workshop discussion on “Menopause and Cancer”.

The workshop will be delivered by a panel of proven experts to discuss all things menopause after cancer. Chaired by Dr Masud Haq, a highly respected consultant in endocrinology and is renowned for his expertise in managing patients in menopause. Alongside oncologist, Dr Nabil Elmahdawi speaking about why menopause after cancer needs specialist care and how some common cancer treatments put women into menopause, often much earlier than expected.

Dr Carys Sonnenberg (NHS GP with an interest in Womens' health, BMS and founder of Rowena Health Ltd) will also be attending and is well placed to answer any questions on menopause and cancer.

The workshop is expected to take place from 9:00 - 10:30am with a presentation from our four expert speakers, with half an hour dedicated to Q&A time. We believe this will provide sufficient time to ensure that the sensitive topic is handled with care, and that will provide an ample opportunity for our visitors to get the answers that they deserve and solutions to their menopause symptoms.

Women with a history of cancer are often excluded from the greater menopause conversation and we are very excited to help change that.

Dr Masud Haq, Dr Karolina Afors and Dr Carys Sonnenberg

Menopause and Cancer

There are 5 types of gynaecological cancer: Ovarian, Cervical, Uterine (womb), Vaginal and Vulval.

Gynaecological cancers have some of the worst outcomes for women, with a devastating mortality rate of 37%. 21 women will die of a gynaecological cancer today and 57 women will be diagnosed.

Understanding the symptoms will save lives, which is why we are calling on you to talk more openly about these life-saving issues.

Let's get talking girls.

Some symptoms, like irregular bleeding, are common across all types of gynaecological cancers, whereas others can be more subtle, and often misattributed.  Awareness of these symptoms are low, so click the names above to find out more about each type of gynaecological  cancer.

Your Menopause and Cancer Experts

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